Our partners

The Afdas is an opérateur de compétences (“skills and training facilitator” or OPCO) for the cultural sector, the creative industries, the media, the communication and telecommunications industries in addition to the sport, tourism, leisure and entertainment sectors.

The professionalisation and solidarity fund for artists and technicians in the performing industries was founded on 1 April 2007. It expresses the government’s wish to propose long-term solutions for artists and technicians from the performing arts sector who are experiencing difficulties.

You’ll find further information on the Pole Emploi performance website.
Médiane – Art & Com ‘is forging close links with Pôle Emploi and over time can host free webinars for actors.

Crew United: A platform based in Germany dedicated to audio-visual projects, includes more than 35,000 professionals. Learn more here >

As its name implies, this platform includes the majority of artistic agents (theatrical agents). Actors without agents can also register. The leading platform in France. Actors without agents can also register. The leading platform in France.

Bpifrance’s role is to make the French economy more dynamic and competitive. Médiane has received support from BPIFrance Assurance Prospection. Let’s cross borders together !

A company providing services for performers: rights management, financial assistance with projects, defence of interests and career support.

La copie privée (private copying) is a flexible and effective system based on negotiation and consensus between representatives of consumers, beneficiaries, authors, performers and producers and importers of storage media. For almost 30 years private copying has balanced the public’s natural desire to access works and the principle of fair remuneration for the creators of such work. It also plays a major role in promoting artistic vitality in the regions as more than 5000 cultural projects are supported each year by income from private copying in France.

The Syndicat des Entrepreneurs du Spectacle (association of performance entrepreneurs). The SNES includes more than 270 entertainment companies and 42 performance venues. It is the second-largest association representing the private performing arts sector.

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