Pack Media-Training / 3h

Talking about your work, role and approach in public, TV, radio or Konbini- or Brut-type interviews; being filmed or filming yourself for subsequent distribution, at home or elsewhere; being interviewed for a press or blog article… All that demands preparation!

This three-hour turnkey service enables you to:

  • go over the purpose of the interview(s) and your pitching technique
  • identify your concerns, stumbling blocks and leverages
  • identify and draw on your strengths
  • get some practical preparation under your belt by filming our meetings (with the original sound)
  • analyse your responses from the viewing, identify prominent keywords and relevant ideas, define your messaging, list the terms to ban to avoid any ambiguity
  • where appropriate, emphasize your dedication to your industry, share your goals and look ahead.

In general, we have quite a short time interval, maximum two to six weeks. But that also depends a lot on your priorities, your diary and any media plan in place.

Several possible cases:

  • If you feel uncomfortable speaking to camera or in public
  • Particularly when you’re involved in a project with a social (domestic violence, paedophilia, disease, etc.) or political message (ecology, extremism, etc.), you will be asked about the subject and that demands preparation to avoid making a misstep that could go viral
  • Similarly, you may need to address the audience at premieres and award ceremonies. Preparing a clear, powerful and concise speech lasting around a minute is important.

The package is valid for twelve months from the purchase date.

You can arrange a meeting with Christophe Averlan by clicking here, calling him directly on ++33 (0)148 242703 or emailing him at

No, absolutely not. When you finalize your order, you can use the PayPal system to pay by card WITHOUT creating a PayPal account. You can also choose the “pay by bank transfer” option. If so, please check that the package will be paid for before your meeting time.

Buy your package online today!

240,00 TTC

Category: Packages Tags: Confirmé, VIP

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